‘The Tyre Collective.’ have designed a product that collects microplastics that fall off tyres using electrostatic charges. Then, the particles that have been collected can be reused for new tyres. We were tasked with creating an identity for it, including a name, class, technology, copy and slogans.
I came up with ‘The Harvester.’ The definition of a harvester is ‘to collect or obtain a resource for future use’ which is exactly what the device is doing as the collected particles get turned back into new tyres. The taglines I decided on are ‘Harvest the grip” which is a play on term for ‘harness the wind’ and explains exactly what the product is doing as it is collecting the tread (grip) from the tyre. My other tagline was ‘Taking environmental travel to ground level’ to signify the tyres being close to the ground but also, bringing everything down to earth.
I came up with a catchy slogan to make the brand more memorable- ‘particles end up in the foods that we grow so use the harvester and reap what you sow’ to get in a few more terms relevant to harvesting. I enjoyed designing posters for this project and focusing on the hierarchical order. I also experimented with motion graphics and made a short advert for the product.