I decided to base my research on Body Dysmorphia, with the aim to raise awareness in society. The way I presented this was by making three mirrors using mirror tape and card stock. One was a normal mirror and the other two were fairground distortion mirrors that make you look thinner and wider. These two represent muscle dysmorphia- where you think that you are smaller and have less muscle than you do, and the other was for body dysmorphia- where you think that you are bigger than you are. I thought that this was a good way of getting people's attention on the topic as it allows them to put themselves in the position of others and see it through their eyes meaning that there is an emotional connection and link between my work and the audience.
To go alongside the physical mirrors, I designed two leaflets which discuss both disorders in brief terms and then also a booklet which includes definitions, causes, treatments, how social media, family comments and bully can affect someone and then finally about how to improve your body positivity. It is a very informative guide which can improve knowledge quickly and easily in a fun and interactive way.
I used Adobe Illustrator to design the drawings and infographics that were included, and Adobe InDesign was used to produce the booklet and leaflets themselves. I chose the colour scheme to be eye-catching and fun so that it would appeal to anyone for the term to be more widely recognised and understood.